Can an injury that happened in seconds plague you with pain for a lifetime? This is exactly how many people suffering from back pain following an auto accident feel. While an accident’s impact can cause pain anywhere in the body, the lower back is particularly vulnerable. Even a minor accident that you brush off immediately after the fact can cause back pain to creep up on you in the hours, days, or weeks following impact. It can be confusing and overwhelming to realize that your back pain isn’t simply going away on its own. Many people turn to chiropractic care for lower back pain after car accidents. Dr. Christopher Dorsa and the Pro Performance team have many options for treating lower back pain as part of our auto injury chiropractic services here at our cutting-edge office in Denver, Colorado.

What to Expect When You See a Chiropractor for Lower Back Pain in Denver, Colorado

When patients visit Dorsa Chiropractic with complaints of lower back pain following accidents, Dr. Christopher Dorsa begins with an assessment to get to the root cause of the pain. It’s important to pinpoint the cause of pain because things like referred pain and muscle tension can actually cause an injury in one point of the body to create painful symptoms in a separate area. Looking at back pain from a holistic, whole-body viewpoint helps to avoid unnecessary and ineffective treatments that ultimately waste a patient’s time while the injury is allowed to get worse. Many patients come to see us here at Pro Performance after growing frustrated with “mainstream” medical treatments for back pain that offer little more than prescriptions for pain relievers and opioids. What’s more, many patients seek out chiropractic care because they are looking for a noninvasive alternative after being told that surgery is their only chance for getting relief from back pain.

We see patients heal from back pain every day without the need for complex surgeries that require long recovery times. The goal of using chiropractic care for lower back pain caused by an accident is to help restore the body to optimal function to allow for self-healing. In many cases, simply removing blockages through manual adjustments creates the right environment for the healing process to begin. Chiropractic treatments targeting back pain are designed to do the following:

  • Ensure that the back is properly mobilized.
  • Decrease tension and blockages responsible for pain.
  • Reduce inflammation.
  • Increase range of motion.
  • Break up scar tissue.
  • Increase blood flow to the injured area.
  • Restore oxygen to the area injured area.

There are many different ways to achieve this using both manual adjustments and specialized tools. Treating lower back pain is never designed to be a one-size-fits-all endeavor. When treating patients, Dr. Dorsa if focused on targeting the underlying causes of pain to treat the problem at the root instead of just providing “surface” pain relief. In addition to promoting proper healing in the present, this approach helps to reduce the chances of repeated injuries.

What Are Some Techniques for Healing Lower Back Pain Following an Accident?

In most cases, care begins with some manual adjusting. Compression caused by the impact of an accident is one of the most common causes of lower back pain. A perfect scenario would be one where simply making sure that your back is in proper realignment is all that’s needed to relieve the tension, inflammation, and pain-causing back pain. This will be enough for some patients. Manual stimulation can also help to correct a slipped disc located in the lumbar spine in many cases. However, other patients will benefit from additional treatments that work on the musculoskeletal system to promote healing at the cellular level.

Man crying on his old damaged car after crash accident

Going Deeper to Heal Back Pain

It’s important for patients to know that there’s a world of care beyond manual adjustments when you visit a chiropractor. Many of the techniques used by Dr. Christopher Dorsa here at our chiropractic office in Denver simply aren’t offered anywhere else. The first cutting-edge treatment for back pain to talk about is something called decompression therapy. This is an advanced non-surgical treatment that goes beyond what manual adjustments can achieve. It is especially beneficial if you are suffering from disc compression following a car accident where another car hit you from behind. During treatment, patients are placed on an FDA-approved motorized traction table. Dr. Dorsa then uses specialized techniques that are meant to slowly and gently relieve pressure from your spinal discs using the power of your own body weight.

Another treatment for serious musculoskeletal is something called the muscle release technique. This is an option to consider if you’re suffering from pain, discomfort, or reduced range of motion. It’s especially effective for patients experiencing reduced mobility following car accidents. The muscle release technique works by addressing your trigger points to relieve muscle tension for increased blood flow, oxygen flow, and lymphatic-fluid flow. In addition to releasing tension for immediate pain relief, this technique increases oxygen release to feed cells for better long-term healing of the cells in the injured tissue.

Lastly, it’s important to introduce infrared laser therapy as an option. This is a safe, gentle, and pain-free option that many people turn to as a “last resort” after being told that they need surgery to correct back pain. While this is considered a very cutting-edge option, laser therapy for musculoskeletal injuries has been used for decades. Dr. Dorsa has several years of experience with using laser therapy to help clients heal from sports injuries, accident injuries, and overuse injuries. Laser treatments help to put the tissue on the fast track to healing by inducing small “microtraumas” that trigger your body’s natural healing abilities. The laser is applied only to the specific injury spot to ensure targeted results. Treatments last just a few minutes! The gentle, non-invasive nature of laser therapy is ideal for patients hoping to build a comprehensive plan for healing that incorporates things like adjustments, stretching exercises, and massage because it can be used in conjunction with virtually every other kind of treatment for back pain. In studies, laser therapy has been found to be an effective and long-lasting therapeutic strategy for bringing relief from lower back pain without any significant side effects. The big benefit we see here in our office is that many patients feel relief from pain right away. However, it’s common to create a treatment plan that utilizes several appointments spread out over several weeks to ensure the best results.

These treatments cover only a small portion of what we offer here at Dorsa Chiropractic. When making a plan to help you overcome back pain, our team will evaluate the benefits of combining different therapies to restore balance to your lower back. The first order of business is always to use our robust diagnostic resources to pinpoint the specific root cause of your lower back pain. This helps us to create a plan that’s designed to provide relief sooner without the need for excessive visits. If you’re suffering from lower back pain that is making it difficult to get back to your life, seeking chiropractic care to document the treatment of your accident-related injuries can be an important part of the claims process. Please reach out to the Dorsa Chiropractic team today to book a consultation!