Established in 2019, Pro Performance Chiropractic offers innovative, integrated chiropractic care at our friendly, state-of-the-art office in Denver, Colorado. We provide our clients with a network of alternative medicine that includes massage, acupuncture, and exercise specialists. A Dr. Christopher Dorsa brings seven years of experience, more than 16 certifications and thousands of hours of treatments to Pro Performance Chiropractic. He is especially pleased to provide his new patients in Denver with custom orthotics. This can be a game-changing option for people suffering from pain and discomfort who haven’t found success with “drugstore” inserts.

Custom orthotics are specially tailored devices made to provide the right levels of foot support and comfort for each patient. Crafted of semi-rigid materials, they feel very natural inside your shoes. The custom orthotics offered by Pro Performance Chiropractic are designed to provide lasting support through daily wear and tear.

How We Help You Get Custom Orthotics Here in Denver, CO

Getting your custom orthotics done is a process that involves several steps. While it’s a more time-consuming process than simply snagging over-the-counter inserts, the benefits are worlds away. First, your feet will be examined. Next, a cast will be taken of the foot. Lastly, your custom support will be manufactured to the exact specifications needed! Once your custom product is finished, we’ll ensure that it fits and performs as it should.

What Are Custom Orthotics Used For?

The purpose of custom orthotics is to control the alignment and function of the foot. They are effective for changing the way you apply pressure to the bottom of the foot. With your new orthotics in place, you’ll be able to stop or manage any harmful rolling or movement of the foot. People often find that altering the position of their feet using orthotics assists with reducing pain, stopping calluses and creating overall comfort.

Custom orthotics are commonly used for bunions, heel spurs, plantar fasciitis and tendinitis. Taking care of your feet this way can really help to bolster the efforts that you’re putting in through other treatments and rehab therapies because you’re not “undoing the work” as soon as you walk out the door after your appointment. In fact, researchers cite orthotics as being effective, well-tolerated options for pain relief and improved function both when used alone and in conjunction with conventional therapies.

Frequently Asked Questions About Custom Orthotics

No, custom orthotics are not designed to last forever. The lifespan can depend on how much wear and tear you put on your feet. However, they can be expected to last about three years.

Absolutely! While many people think of orthotics as belonging to “older” people, the truth is that a person of any age can benefit from correcting the way their feet make impact with the ground. In fact, being proactive about caring for your feet can prevent long-term pain and injuries that could follow you into your golden years!

While some people feel “right at home” in their orthotics from the first day, it often takes two to three weeks to fully adjust to them.